Asbestos Ceiling Removal Newcastle North East UK Tyne & Wear01916660405
Looking for a Newcastle North East Asbestos Ceiling Removal Company ?Does your property, building, business premises or house that contain asbestos in the ceilings or more specifically asbestos artex, asbestos texture coating even asbestos popcorn ceiling and you live in the Newcastle, Gateshead, North Tyneside even County Durham areas then Contact us today. We can also remove all forms of asbestos Artex, including floors and walls, and dispose of them in accordance with all legislative and public health statutes.
Check out our website for a full range of the services and products we offer: Or call us today on 01916660405 for a fast and free consultation, or to speak to one of our resident experts! What Is Asbestos Artex? Artex is a surface coating commonly used on walls and ceilings that creates a textured effect when it is painted. It was used extensively through the United Kingdom during the 1970’s and 80’s. At the time the harmful properties of asbestos were not widely understood and the substance was added to Artex in order to strengthen it. This practice continued until 1999. Is Asbestos Artex Dangerous? Yes and no. When asbestos fibres are inhaled they can lead to lung cancer and other chronic respiratory illness. However, fibres are usually only released when the Artex is damaged. Typically this occurs when the Artex is being removed, either for practical or cosmetic purposes. As long as the removers are trained professionals there is minimal risk, but if untrained tradespeople or homeowners attempt to remove asbestos-containing Artex they place their health in serious jeopardy. Does My Property Contain Asbestos Artex? Firstly, was the property built prior to 2003? Secondly, are your walls or ceilings covered with Artex? Just because they are textured doesn’t mean they’re Artex. Plaster can be painted with a textured coating to give a similar impression. Check any cracks or paint flakes for indications of a plaster base. However, if the property was built before 2003 and there are indications of Artex it’s possible it could contain asbestos. Under these circumstances it is always prudent to get an expert assessment. Tests are quick and easy, and often come back negative. Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove the Artex yourself, as any dust that results could contain harmful amounts of fibres. Similarly, Artex should never be burned, as this also releases fibres into the air. How Is Artex Removed? Broadly speaking there are two methods. Either a chemical gel can be used to dissolve the Artex, which is then disposed of, or the ceiling can be stripped all the way back to the joists. It depends on the individual circumstances of the job as to which method is safest, most practical and most cost-effective. Our team of experts take all factors into account when it comes to determining how best to remove asbestos Artex. Legal Status Asbestos use had been banned since 1999, but it is still present in millions of homes across the UK. It is legal to sell a property containing asbestos, but if the vendor is aware of it they have a legal obligation to disclose this information to potential buyers. Not every house built before 2003 that contains Artex will also contain asbestos, but a significant proportion do. Why take the risk? Contact Newcastle Asbestos Removal and let our team of friendly and dedicated professionals put your mind at ease. Whether it’s large-scale commercial premises or a one-bedroom flat, we have the experience and technical know-how to remove all traces of asbestos. Call us today on 01916660405 for a free consultation! |